Late Afternoon Goggle Trouble

I have two pairs of goggles: a clear pair for morning and evening swims when the sun isn’t out, and a pair with dark lenses for bright swims. Today, I treated myself to an afternoon swim at the Santa Monica Swim Center (it’s getting ready to close for annual maintenance so I wanted one last swim there!) and because the sun was shining for all it was worth, put my dark goggles on.

Off I went, and the right side of the goggles promptly filled up with water. I get them emptied and back on, then off I go and then full of water. Fix them again, and full of water, again. I tried figuring out what was wrong but didn’t find anything wrong so had to settle for my clear goggles. While I had a good swim, I was a little all over the lane because I couldn’t keep my eyes open when looking into the sun. The pool was not busy so I had my own lane; at least I didn’t have the opportunity to swim into anyone!

So many empty lanes!

So many empty lanes!

Despite the goggle trouble, my swim felt great and I enjoyed the workout. I chose to do a ladder, so I was able to get a lot of distance in with shorter swims.

  • 50 free

  • 25-50-73-100-125-150-175-200-225-250 freestyle

  • 225-200-175-150-125-100-75-50-25 with the odds kick and evens pull

  • 50 free

WorkoutsAmanda Prevendar