General Inquiries

For general questions, please email dunkedinpublic(at)gmail(dot)com.


Mailing List

To sign up for the Dunked in Public mailing list, please click here. To sign up to receive blog posts to your email, you can do that via a separate service, here.


Story Submissions

I am happy to receive submissions about your swimming related project or work related to swimming and pools. Please email dunkedinpublic(at)gmail(dot)com with the subject line “DiP Swim Submission” and I’ll be in touch with you about a possible post shortly.  


Brand or Product Collaborations & Submissions

Dunked in Public would love to hear about your brand or product, and I would be honored to work with you to feature it on our site. Brands and products should be focused on swimming, both for exercise or recreation. Submissions can be sent to dunkedinpublic(at)gmail(dot)com with the following information:

1.  “DiP Brand/Product Collaboration” or “DiP Brand/Product Submission”
2. Up to three lo-resolution images of your brand or product
3. Links to your website and social media accounts


If interested, we will respond with our reader stats, collaboration rates, and blog schedule availability. All sponsored posts will clearly be marked so readers are aware of the collaboration.