"We'll Get There"

That’s what I tell myself every time I look in the mirror these days. The pandemic lifestyle definitely caused me to gain some weight. In the before times, I swam four days a week and ran the other days, took public transit to work which meant a good 40 minutes of walking each day (in addition to the workout), and I’d take walks during the day to meet up with people, grab lunch, and move around the office.

WFH and quarantine meant no swimming and a vastly reduced walking schedule, and immediate access to cocktails or wine after work and which of course I used as a way to comfort myself. I was running a few times a week, and I tried a few of the online workout options, but the lifestyle change definitely accelerated weight gain and making me look worse - and older - than I feel. Of course 40 is just around the corner, but the 24/7 home lifestyle caught up with me.

Now that things are headed into what I’m calling the “after times”, “We’ll Get There” is my personal mantra that I used to focus on a healthier lifestyle. Swimming again is definitely a HUGE factor for me both physically and mentally. The mantra has also helped me dial back alcohol consumption and I’m working on controlling the urge for salty snacks (this means I just can’t buy them in the grocery store…if I don’t have anything at home, I can’t eat it, right?).

Anyway, this week felt very steady and pace setting. I’m feeling a bit lighter around my middle, but I still have a long way to go to my pre-pandemic self. I made another step towards after times: scheduling a hair appointment. Oh that will be a happy day, indeed.

WorkoutsAmanda Prevendar