Falling into Freshmen

School is back in session at USC and yesterday was move-in day for all student housing. I was worried that parking would be a shit-show – but the worry was thwarted when I found a free spot and didn’t even have to pay the meter.

When I arrived on deck, it was filled with inflated pool floaties – a giant flying unicorn, rafts, innertubes. The life guard said that USC throws a big pool party for all incoming freshman, and the floaties are part of that. I’m jealous – that didn’t happen when I started school there! How fun.

  • 300 warm-up

  • 3 rounds, 2 x 50 easy & 2 x 50 hard

  • 50, 100, 150 kick

  • 5 rounds 2 x 50 easy & 2 x 50 hard

  • 150, 100, 50, 100, 150 free
