Cool Water, Gray Skies

It’s been a few weeks since my last Saturday visit to the El Segundo Pool, so I was looking forward to today’s swim. There is something so luxurious about a 10:00 am swim. It allows for a morning at home with no alarm to wake up to, a cup or two of coffee, and a slow catch-up on emails, news, or just watering the garden thoroughly. I got to do all of that before swimming, so I was nice and relaxed when the work-out started. Of course, things gear up quickly and soon I was blasting through the sets and relishing every stroke. When I got home, I was ravenous; two fried eggs and a bowl of strawberries have never tasted so good.  

  • 400 free warm-up

  • 100 free, 25 easy

  • 2 x 100 free, 25 easy

  • 3 x 100 free, 25 easy

  • 4 x 100 free, 25 easy

  • 6 x 25 butterfly kick

  • 4 x 25 butterfly

  • 6 x 25 free sprint

  • 4 rounds, 150 free, 75 easy
