Tweaked out Toes

While I did get to swim last weekend, Thursday evening was the first time I was able to swim during the week. I was eager to go, and jumped in early to get a headstart on a warm-up. I accumulated 600 yards pretty quickly, but soon after the formal workout started I realized I felt like a soggy baguette trying to swim. Ugh.

I decided to put my fins on part way through the main set so that I had a little help. The first few laps felt fine, but I noticed the fins felt a little funny on; tight in different places than they usually are. Then, on the second to last lap of a 150, the second toe on my left foot seized up, like a charley horse. I spent the next ten minutes working it out and trying to swim. At one point, toes on each foot were seizing up. Ugh, again!

Luckily, the rest and tiny toe stretches seemed to help it out, because I was able to finish the workout, albeit in a very lethargic mood. At least it was a pretty evening.
