Ear Ache Blues

My ears did not fare well after this swim. I typically have issues with my right ear getting water clogged in it after the first few strokes (definitely after the first flip turn!). Tonight my left ear started filling up with water about halfway through the swim, and was aching by the time the hour was up. I looked up swimmers ear and ear infection symptoms and and it looks like this could be either one. I am hopeful that, whatever it is, it clears up quickly.


I slogged through the workout this evening, getting it all done but thinking about pajamas, drinking wine, and sitting on the couch in pajamas the entire time. Hoping to have more energy when I get through this week; it’ll be a busy one so I won’t get back in the pool until Saturday morning. That said, maybe this is a good thing for my ear and will enable it to fully clear up! Gotta look at the upside, I guess.

  • 350 warm-up

  • 4 rounds: 75, 50, 25 free

  • 4 rounds, 150, 150, 100 free

  • 4 sprint 25 free

  • 50 cool-down