It Can't Get Any Better

I’m officially in love with the 10:00 am Saturday Swim at the El Segundo Aquatic Center. The water feels great, I got to enjoy Saturday morning before coming, and now that I finally have shaded goggles, I’m not blinded by sunlight! Just look at the sky and the water….it doesn’t get any better than this.

And, my lane mate today was absolutely delightful. Bonus.

  • 400 warm-up

  • 25-50-100-200 free

  • 2 x 50 kick

  • 200-100-50-25 free

  • 2 x 50 kick

  • 2 rounds, 400 free with easy 50

  • 2 x 100 kick

  • 3 rounds, 75 sprint with 25 easy

  • 100 cool down