Like Visiting an Old Friend

I took the day off of work to drive up to Goleta and officiate my sister’s wedding. Casual like, you know!? ha! It was actually a very casual affair, but absolutely lovely and I’m so happy for her and my new brother-in-law. LOVE!

Because I drove up and down in one day, I brought my swim bag just in case I might catch a swim at the Culver City Pool. I left Goleta around 3:15 pm so I didn’t think I’d make the 6:00 pm swim, but, traffic was playing nicely and I made it just in time. So, I got to re-visit Culver! It has been some time since I was last there, so it was a nice way to switch up the swim locations.

  • 300 free warm-up

  • 6 x 100, 50 drill and 50 free

  • 2 rounds, 250, 200, 100, 50 free

  • 100 cool down