Thursday SLAM Swim

I have previously mentioned the weird vibes from a certain swimmer at USC. Let me tell you, the vibes are still strong. So strong, in fact, that towards the end of today’s workout, Weird Vibes Man (WVM?) SWAM INTO ME!

At the beginning of the workout, we agreed to split the lane because we were each planning to swim a different base pace (him: 1:30 per 100, me: 2:00 per hundred). More on the pace, later. Things started out just fine, minus some initial aggro competition vibes when he took off from the wall the same time I did (I hate when people do that!).

I finished the main set pretty far ahead of him (guess who ended up with the faster pace? ME!). I began a cool-down set of 200 free. I was on my last two laps of that set when WVM swam right into me. He karate-chopped into the right side of my neck. I burst of the water, screamed “FUCKIN’ A, MAN!”, then said “we’re splitting! halfsies!”. He muttered “sorry”, and swam off. I finished my lap, and realized he had gotten of the lane.

GOOD RIDDANCE, WVM. Good. Riddance.


The workout was solid, at least:

  • 100 free warm-up

  • 50 free, followed by 3 x 50

  • 100 free, 3 x 50

  • 150 free, 3 x 50

  • 200 free, 3 x 50

  • 250 free, 3 x 50

  • 300 free, 3 x 50

  • 2 x 100 free cool-down