Steam, Rain, and Snow in Italy

I am on a fabulous, amazing, incredible, once-in-a-lifetime vacation in Italy with my partner’s family, and the hotel we are staying at has a very fancy swim/aquatic amenity. There is a water slide. There are normal slides with water. There is a shallow kids pool with a small slide. There is a shallow kids pool heated to nearly 100 degrees Fahrenheit. There is an indoor deep pool. There is an outdoor pool that has a fountain, a bench, a bench with bubbles, and a sliding door to let you inside. PHEW!

This outdoor pool is long enough for lap swimming, but is not overtly for lap swimming. There is a sort-of lane marker that I am able to follow although I think it is mostly for pool maintenance access. In any case, it did the job, and I was able to get three swims in while we were there.

One of the days was extra special because it was sprinkling the whole time. This is pretty much favorite way to swim, so I was happy that day. The hills around the pool were also still snowy, so getting peeks of that each time I took a breath was extra special.

My workout was consistent each time, and because of the high temperature of the pool, was a little slower than usual.

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