Back to the Usual!

Travelling and adventure is the best - really, just the best! I am so lucky to be able to do it! - but getting back to the usual routine is very satisfying. There is comfort in it, which after the uncertainty of figuring out new places and rules, feels like settling back into your couch in pajamas.

Getting back into routine is especially important for me now because I’ve been (ugh, it’s so hard to type) gaining weight. I feel like it happened pretty fast, or at least I only recently noticed it was happening. I am extremely annoyed about it. I can only really think of two ways to adjust what I’ve been doing, and that is exercise harder (I can’t do it more, because I already work out every day!) and drink less alcohol. The alcohol I drink is primarily wine, which is definitely calorie heavy, and I drink it in the evening after working out.

So, I’m going to aim for at least three evenings a week with no booze, which is an improvement from having booze six evenings a week. One evening will be booze free because I have class from 7 - 10 pm, and I’m hoping to create evening number 2 by starting to take yoga again. Yoga will be the “rest” day, when I don’t swim or run. The other evening will just have to be willpower.


Here is the back-at-it workout:

  • 350 warm-up

  • 6 x 100 free, with odd 100s drill

  • 400 free, 50 sprint, 50 easy

  • 300 free, 50 sprint, 50 easy

  • 200 free, 50 sprint, 50 easy

  • 100 free, 50 sprint, 50 easy

  • 400 free

  • 200 free

  • 50 cool down