Fight on!

With the new job, I decided to try a new workout location, the USC Uytengsu Aquatics Center. This is not a public pool, so I don’t feel great posting about it here, but I’m going to in the spirit of recording the workouts. SCAQ has three workouts a week here, and with the close proximity to DTLA, it looks like its time to say goodbye for now to the Culver City Pool. Well, at least for SCAQ workouts.


The coach and other swimmers were very welcoming, which was a great way to start out. The pool here is also about 83 degrees, so I don’t need to worry about getting too cold.

350 freestyle warm-up

6 x 50 technique; swimmers choice

6 rounds, 150 free with 50 easy in between

100 freestyle sprint

200 cool-down

That is all of the set I remember; I am pretty sure we did something before the 6 x 50 technique. The workout was a bit scattered with the coach suggesting distances and sets that aren’t typical to SCAQ. I guess my brain has to get used to her method! She only coaches Monday evenings, so it’ll be fun having variation once a week.