At least the pool is warm.

The temperature in LA is holding steady between 43-58 degrees, and with several (much needed!) rainstorms that have come and gone, there is a good cold wind on most days, too. That makes these evening swims a challenge, mentally, because it’s hard to go outside in just a swimsuit. I try to make that time as short as possible and don’t hesitate jumping into the 83 degree pool; its feels like a warm bath with this weather!


I didn’t take a photo before the swim because I was in such a rush to get in the pool, so this one will have to do. The workout didn’t attract too many people, so I had a whole lane to myself. It made the swim rather relaxing, which was welcome on a Friday evening.

  • 400 free warm-up

  • 8 x 50 free with 25 kick in between each 50

  • 8 x 75 free

  • 12 x 100 free, with 25 kick in between each 100

  • 50 free cool-down