My Own Lane at Culver!

I haven’t gone to the Culver Plunge on a Saturday in a very long time because it is usually so crowded and busy. However, I had a book club meeting at 11:00 in downtown Culver City, so I decided to arrive for the 9:30 swim and deal with it.

The exact opposite thing happened, though - I was able to swim in the lane by myself for my entire swim! After each flip turn, I expected to glimpse someone who had jumped in at the other end of the lane, but that never happened. It was a heaven sent swim gift!

  • 500 free

  • 4 rounds, 150 pull, 100 free

  • 300 free kick

  • 200 back kick

  • 200 back/free

  • 100 cool down

WorkoutsAmanda Prevendar