Fact: Swimming Doesn't Cure Hangovers

I might have had a little too much wine last night. I’ve been working evenings so haven’t been drinking as regularly as I used to (a good thing!) but was home last night and ended up getting carried away. I love wine, so much, and a good glass of red wine is such a cozy thing to sip on cold nights. I even stayed up past my bedtime, so this morning’s headache was an annoying sidekick to feeling tired.

As a result, I left home late, traffic was even worse than the rainy Monday traffic so I arrived late, and thus jumped in late. I ended up only doing two portions of the official workout, but it didn’t really matter because our usual coach wasn’t there and the guy subbing talked on his phone the whole time (I’m sure he wasn’t thrilled to be there).


Of course it was an absolutely stunning morning, with sunlight bouncing off the water in all directions and little rainbows dancing on the floor of the pool. This made the late night and over indulgence slightly better, and I was very happy I pushed myself out of bed for the swim. The hangover dissipated with a few cups of coffee and copious glugs of water so in the end, it all worked out. Here’s my swim today:

  • 500 freestyle warm-up

  • 100 free, 50 fly, 100 free, 50 fly & back, 100 free, 50 fly, back, breast, 100 free, 200 IM

  • 6x50 kick

  • 300 freestyle cool down