A Cold Morning & A Hot Pool

Los Angeles is back to regularly scheduled weeks with school in session, vacation days used up, and no sign of a paid holiday until May. This means the holiday traffic holiday is over too, and boy were the streets jammed up. I’m lucky I only live a few miles from the Culver City Pool and it only requires two busy intersections to get through.

It wasn’t just that everyone was back to a regular schedule, though: IT WAS COLD AND RAINING. While I absolutely cherish every raindrop that falls in Los Angeles, it does cause an already slow drive to be even more slow. The cold morning also caused the pool, which is kept at a cozy 80-83 degrees, to steam. It was hard to capture, but I took a short video of the wafts coming up from the pool. When I was in the lane, I couldn’t see to the other side!

The workout today was fantastic. The format of the primary set sounded and felt easy, but added up to a whopping 1700 meters. The IM set was really great because I haven’t done any of those strokes in the pool since I was attending the Wednesday evening SCAQ swims; those workouts always focused on a single stroke or IM. I must, MUST!, get more stroke variation into my future workouts.

  • 300 free warm-up

  • 2 rounds: 100 IM, 100 free

  • 2 rounds: 300 free, 50 kick, 200 free, 50 kick, 100 free, 50 kick, 100 easy

  • 200 free cool-down