Wednesday Evening SCAQ Swim

March 14, 2018

Wednesdays are mixed-stroke days so I brought out the fins and wore them for the entire workout, minus the warm-up. WOW. My workout was transformed and I made it through all the sets with the speedier lanes times.

Swimming the IM was a totally different experience. I felt so powerful swimming butterfly and backstroke. The transfer of energy from kicking to arms allowed me to really pinpoint problem spots with my arm technique. On fly, I need to practice entering the water in front of me at the same time, coming through the water with a push instead of straight down, and then making the swing back to front more even.

For backstroke, I need to work on proper shoulder rotation and how my arms swing back. My right back swing is pretty good, but I found I couldn’t match my left arm swinging back. It feels like my left arm swings out and enters what fairly far to the left of my head.

It’s good to have a list of things to work on – and I know that if I keep up with Wednesday workouts and using the fins I’ll get there.

  • 300 warm-up
  • 4 rounds: 25 free, 25 breast, 25 kick
  • 4 rounds: 50 free, 50 breast/free, 50 breast
  • 4 rounds: 75 free, 75 breast/free, 75 IM
  • 6x100, 2 rounds 100 free, 100 IM, 100 breast
  • 50 cool down