Monday Evening SCAQ Swim

March 12, 2018

I am just so, so, SO, happy that the time changed and it is light out in the evening again. Jumping into the pool is so much easier. Today’s workout started out with a slight sprinkle of rain, though, but the pool was still warm and the light sky made up for that.

The workout today was good, but I felt like we weren’t getting enough distance in. The workout below totals up to 2,300, but it felt like around 1,500. Either I’m getting used to covering more distance, or I’m just crazy. I hope it’s not the latter.

I only used my fins during the set with the 75s as I am pretty decent with freestyle and I want to use them as a tool to help me improve on the other strokes. I’m still so amazed at how they speed me up so much. I don’t want to turn into a swimmer that only uses fins…because there are those out there.


  • 400 warm-up
  • 6x75 free
  • 2 rounds, 300 free, 150 free, 2x100 free
  • 3x50 free