Wednesday Evening SCAQ Swim

February 21, 2018

I know how often I talk about the weather, but tonight was truly cold. Cold temperature, cold wind, and cold deck. The saving grace was the warm water. 80 degrees is much better than 72 degrees!

The night before I had one too many margaritas, and I woke up this morning with a spitting headache. It tempered over the course of the day, so by the time practice was starting, I was feeling OK and ready to go. My swim did still suffer, however, and I didn’t do all of the butterfly sets. I felt fine with back and breast, and of course free was my saving stroke.

Right before practice I had another conversation with the coach about swim fins. I really could have used a set of fins for this workout. The fins that SCAQ recommends are a bit short, but reduce effort by 30% and allow for more focus on form. My butterfly stroke could really use that. I need to get a pair. New running shoes, first.

The Workout:

  • 350 warm-up
  • 2 rounds, 100 free, 50 kick, 100 breast/free, 50 kick
  • 100  kick
  • 2 rounds, 150 mixed stroke, 100 free, 100 IM, 4x50 each stroke
  • 5 50s, sprint, one each stroke plus one 50 kick
  • 50 cool-down