Wednesday Evening SCAQ Swim

February 14, 2018

I missed my typical Monday evening swim with SCAQ, so I was really looking forward to the Wednesday night swim. Because it was Valentine’s day, the pool was not very busy so I was able to swim with my own lane. It was a super big blessing because I get super paranoid about swimming breast stroke in a shared lane. My kick doesn’t stay fully underwater, and in the past, I’ve kicked and my toes graze or connect with the lane line. It is very painful. Having the full lane meant my kick could go wild and I had all the space I need to swim down the lane.

That said, I do need to work on my kick and pull technique. The coach gave me a tip on the pull portion, so I tried to focus on that during this swim, rather than my kick. I think I did OK, and I toward the middle of the swim I was meeting the intervals with no problem. I feel that has to count for something, even if my kick wasn’t perfect.

I was glad to get the opportunity to work on breaststroke with no judgement or pressure from others. It let me practice a little self-love on this particular holiday.

The Workout:

  • 400 warm up
  • 3 rounds: 100 free, 100 free, 100 free/breast
  • 2 rounds: 200 free/kick, 4x50 free/breast alternate, 2x100 free, then breast
  • 50 cool down