Saturday Afternoon Swim

February 10, 2018

I have said this before, but I am so ready for the time switch to lighter evenings. My evening swims with SCAQ, in the dark, are fine, but I’m very ready to be done with the dark swims. Swimming in daylight today was such a pleasure, that I’m wondering if I should try to switch my schedule around a bit…I’m not entirely sure I can hold out till mid-March! #drama

I started this swim with a solid 500 free, and it felt great. I love the rhythm I pick up when I go a certain distance. I was happy to work in the pull, and feel like next time I do this I should do a full 500 of it. I need to work on not letting my legs swing side to side when I swim with the buoy. It ultimately means a stronger core, which I don’t have, but I really need to work on.

The Workout:

  • 500 free
  • 4 rounds, 50 free and 100 pull
  • 15-50-75-100-125-150-125-100-75-50-25 free
  • 50 cool down