Monday Evening SCAQ Swim

February 5, 2018

Ah, this swim was much needed. I jumped in without hesitating (usually I will stand in front of the lane, staring it down, for about a minute) and happily experienced a warmer than usual pool. It’s amazing what one degree of warmth does! The pool is typically 80 or 81 degrees, but tonight it was a glorious 82.5 degrees.

I felt strong throughout the swim, but mid-way through the last set, my left contact decided to start slipping around in my eye. It was very frustrating – like an eyelash that wouldn’t get out – but towards the end it seemed to settle back into place. Swimming and the chemical cocktail of swimming pool water has to be bad for contacts. I have been switching mine out more frequently than usual, and I’m pretty sure it is because of my swim habit.

That said, the other week I swam without contacts and my eyes experienced the worst burning sensation. It was as if I was chopping onions and swimming at the same time! I guess if the contacts shield my eyes from the burning, then I should be OK with the idea of switching them out more frequently than I’m used to.

The Workout:

  • 350 warm-up
  • 4 rounds, 75 free, 25 free, 50 kick
  • 2x300 free
  • 6x100 free
  • 200 cool-down