Friday Evening SCAQ Swim

February 2, 2018

The pool wasn’t very busy this evening, so I ended up with just one other person in my lane, Jo. We are generally in the lane together, but tonight with just the two of us, we were able to find a steady rhythm throughout the workout.

She generally asks me to go ahead of her, but she decided to push off first a few times. I tend to lead the lane each workout, and I realized that when I don’t lead it, I can push myself harder without feeling like I’m pushing myself. That sounds a bit odd, but perhaps I’m motivated by the swimmer ahead of me, or I just experience less “mental” pressure about swimming fast enough to make time or keep pace.

Bonus: Jo is a pretty cool lady and I’ve been enjoying getting to know her bit by bit while we wait between sets. She recently took a trip to Asia and wrote a book – how awesome is that!

The Workout:

  • 300 warm-up
  • 6x100, free, free, IM
  • …I truly don’t remember much after this
  • 50 cool-down