Monday Evening SCAQ Swim

January 29, 2018

Ok. The days are starting to stay lighter, longer. This makes me so happy because I’m getting very tired of the dark evening swims. When I walked onto the pool deck, the sky was just a tiny bit…TINY BIT…light. The day was also unusually warm, almost 90 degrees, so it was super easy to get in.

The swim was good and I felt strong throughout. The lane was crowded – 6 people! It was the warm weather – so we all fed off each other’s energy, which helped the long middle set. During the swim, I felt like the 150s and 200s were quite long, and a challenge. It made me realize that I haven’t swam a good old 500 free in some time. I need to do that on my next solo swim because SCAQ swims have never gone over a distance of 300.

I’m missing the next few Wednesday swims, and I have travelled the last weekend and I will again the next. However, the goal is clear: next solo uncoached swim, I do at least one 500.  

The Workout:

  • 250 warm-up
  • 3 rounds, 150 free & 50 free
  • 3 rounds, 200, 150, 100, 50 free
  • 1 round 100, 75, 50, 25 free
  • 50 cool down