Friday Evening SCAQ Swim

January 5, 2018

This evening was misty, cold, and sort of damp all over the place. Getting into the pool was not my first instinct, but I’m glad I did. The water felt warmer than usual, or maybe it was a physiological response to seeing the steam come off the water.

Getting into the pool was not the instinct for other people, too. I had my own lane and the workout started with just three of us getting in. Several more members came within the first ten minutes, but no one jumped in my lane. Which is ok, because there is something nice about having your own lane with a coached workout, you know? Quite exclusive!

My arms were still sore from Wednesday’s butterfly stroke workout. I particularly noticed it in my triceps and felt the soreness there when my arms were stretched out to hold the kickboard in front of me.

I spent a lot of this workout thinking about finally (finally!) getting some fins to try out. The coach said if I used them during a workout – particularly a butterfly based workout – I would reduce my effort by about 30% which would allow me to focus on form. I see her point, but 30% is a lot of effort to lose. TBD. TBD. But also…YOC.

The Workout:

  • 400 warm up
  • 2 rounds, 150 free, 75 kick, 75 free, 25 kick
  • 2 rounds, 150 free, 50 kick, 3 100 free, 4x25 free
  • 2 100s