Monday Evening SCAQ Swim

January 8, 2018

Los Angeles had a full day of heavy rain leading up to the evening workout, but by 6:00 pm, the rain had stopped and we had a raindrop free workout. I was hoping that it would rain while we swam, because the sound of the raindrops falling on the water is so nice to listen to.

In any case, the workout was straightforward, and it was so good to get a swim done on a Monday evening. I hadn’t gone for a swim over the weekend, so I was looking forward for a coached session. I enjoyed this workout with the middle-distance sets. I am accustomed to longer distance sets so 150s typically go by quite fast for me, but that was not the case in this workout. I think because everything was mid-distance, the 150s felt like they took forever to finish. Weird.

When we were getting out, a heavy mist was falling. By the time I had finished a quick shower I could hear the rain pounding on the roof of the locker room. It continued to rain the rest of the night and, even though I didn’t get to enjoy the raindrops in the pool, I really enjoyed listening to them cozied up in bed.

The Workout:

  • 400 warm up
  • 6 rounds, 50 kick drill, 50 free
  • 2 rounds, 150 free/50 free, 125 free/75 free, 100 free/100 free
  • 3x50 free
  • 50 cool down