Wednesday Evening SCAQ Swim

January 24, 2018

I think swimming every other day for almost two weeks finally caught up to my body. I was feeling just fine before I jumped in, but as I started swimming, my body started screaming “NOPE! Get out!”. I made it through 1400 yards at least, but only swam for the first half hour. I was annoyed with myself at first but quickly got over it when I got home and snuggled up on the couch under a blanket with the heater on. It was bliss. Over the next few days, I’ll do some running and hope to try kayaking during a weekend visit to Catalina Island. I’m sure I’ll be more that ready for Monday evening’s swim and attack that one like a shark (ha-ha)!

The Workout:

  • 300 warm-up
  • 3x100; each 100 is 50 free, 25 IM stroke, 25 kick
  • 4x150; each 150 is 50 free, 50 IM stroke, 50 kick
  • 200 cool-down