Wednesday Evening SCAQ Swim

January 17, 2018

I can sense the time shifting in the evening so that it is brighter and brighter each time I leave work in the evening to head to the pool. While I am eagerly awaiting the time switch on March 11, I think these next few weeks with the gradually brighter evenings will be nice.

When I walked out on the deck, I sat down for the few minutes we had before we started. I realized I was sitting next to the coach so we started talking. She asked if I ever swam outside of SCAQ; I said yes and mentioned that I visited the Rose Bowl over the weekend. I commented on the warm water temp and she immediately said “oh, that’s not good”. She told a story about a hot summer day practice at the Culver Plunge last summer, and how the water had warmed up over the last few days because of the weather. During the workout, one of the swimmers pass out from overheating. How scary is that! Yikes!

Wednesdays are mixed-stroke workouts, and I found myself looking forward to this one. This workout focused on short bursts of breast stroke and a few IMs. I wasn’t very happy with my breast stroke laps, but they are what they are, I guess. The butterfly portion of the IM, however, felt really great. I’m so happy about because butterfly has always been the stroke I feared the most. If I keep working on it – and maybe even get myself a pair of fins – maybe it will someday feel as comfortable as freestyle.

The Workout:

  • 400 warm-up
  • 3 rounds: 100 free, 50 breast, 50 kick
  • 3 rounds: 100 free, 100 free/breast, 100 IM
  • 3 rounds: 50 free, 50 free/breast, 50 kick
  • 50 cool down