Saturday Swim

January 20, 2018

This swim was the coldest daytime swim I’ve had in a year (the last one was a rainy day swim at the Santa Monica Swim Center). Although the sky was clear, the air was cold and it was super windy. So windy that the kickboard and pull buoy were constantly blowing away, so I had to get out twice (the wind felt like thousands of tiny knives cutting in my skin!) to get them. I soon developed a way to weigh them down with flip flops, goggles, and a towel.

Per usual, the pool was nice and calm, the water pleasantly warm (not too cold like Culver, not boiling like the Rose Bowl), and everyone had their own lane. I realized that visiting the Swim Stadium is a rather calm experience, and swimming there is almost meditative. There is never any rush or any crowd, it is a quiet place, and it’s clean. Water doesn’t build up anywhere and nothing is grimy or moldy. I think if I ever create an awards program for pools, the Swim Stadium would win first place.

The Workout:

  • 5 rounds 100 free, 100 pull
  • 4 rounds 50 free/breast, 50 kick, 50 pull
  • 4x100 free