Wednesday Evening Swim

September 25, 2017

I want to start this post out by saying I am SUPER proud of myself of getting to a Wednesday swim. Mostly because I’m still afraid of mixed-stroke workouts, but also because getting adding the swim in mid-week is super good for a swim workout pace. Monday, Wednesday, and Saturdays is what I’m aiming for, and I’m very happy I’m meeting that frequency this week.

During this swim, I realized I’m actually feeling very comfortable with backstoke now. This seemed to happen quite suddenly, but during this swim and in the one prior, a lap or two of backstroke just went by with a breeze. It seemed so easy and – dare I say it – relaxing! That realization and feeling gave me a big confidence boost while doing each IM. Breast and fly are still terrifying, though.

One other realization I had was that I should really try to get myself a pair of fins. I think using them would help me get the rhythm of freestyle down while giving me a boost of speed. I tend to stop butterfly ¾ of the way down the lane. I think with fins, I would go all the way. I wonder what it’s like to swim breast stroke with fins? There is just one way to find out, I suppose: get some.  

The Workout:

  • 300 warm-up
  • 4 rounds, 50 kick, 100 swim
  • 100 IM
  • 100 IM, 50 free
  • 100 IM, 100 free
  • 300, 200, 100 free
  • 100 IM
  • 100 IM, 100 free
  • 200 free, 50 free
  • 50 cool-down