Saturday Afternoon Swim

September 30, 2017

Today had a much needed very lazy start. I woke up, went on a short walk around the Green, made some coffee, and sat down on the couch to watch TV and work on the final itinerary for our upcoming trip to Italy. I suddenly realized that half the day had gone by and that it was probably time to go for a swim. I realized that the John Argue Swim Stadium should be open, so I called to make sure, and with their affirmation, off I went!

The weather was absolutely perfect and warmed up the farther east I drove, so I was surprised to find the lap and rec pool were both almost empty. There were two other people in the lap pool when I got in, and they were both gone within 10 minutes. The majority of my workout was just me! It was an odd experience to have the whole pool to myself; I’ve gotten so used to swimming with a crowd.

In any case, I made it a point to have a relaxing swim but also do some stroke work. My backstroke laps felt more comfortable than the breast stroke laps. It was probably because I was forcing my feet into a certain pattern/shape for each stroke and it felt really un natural and slow. I’ll have to keep working at it.

The Workout:

  • 500 swim
  • 4 rounds, 4x50 mix of pull, kick, breast, free
  • 200 pull
  • 100 free
  • 200 pull
  • 100 back and free
  • 50 cool down