Monday Evening Swim

September 25, 2017

The weekend was packed with concerts at the Hollywood Bowl, meeting up with friends, gardening, and chores around the house so I never made it to the pool. While I did get a good long morning walk and a run in, the down times I had didn’t quite match up to the various pool operating hours. Oh well.

My mood the last few days has been low (I have absolutely no idea why) so I wasn’t sure this would be a good swim. I felt extremely lethargic and my arms would barely move. The pool’s water was also colder than usual. DOOM and GLOOM, I tell ya!

At some point during the second 300, things clicked into place and I decided to incorporate a dolphin kick during the streamline off the wall. I’ve seen other people do it, but never tried it myself. I was inspired to try it today because one the kid’s coaches yelled at her team to do at least 8 dolphin kicks after each flip turn while I waiting for today’s swim to start. I was only able to get 3 or 4 at a time, but the distance of my streamline almost doubled. It was pretty remarkable, so I’ll definitely have to keep working at them in conjunction with the flip turns.

Oh – as you can see in the image above, it looks like Culver is going to offer some sort of workout class on paddleboards! I might have to try it out…I’m not very comfortable on a board right now, so this type of thing could help and maybe one day I’ll try surfing.

The Workout:

  • 250 warm-up
  • 4 rounds, 50 kick and 100 free
  • Easy 50
  • 300 free
  • 2x150
  • 4x75
  • 3x100
  • 6x25
  • 50 warm down