Friday Evening Swim

September 22, 2017

Mornings are darker and the sun goes down earlier each day, and the weather has started getting just a little bit cooler. This definitely felt like the first day of fall, which is so nice because that feeling happens so rarely in Los Angeles. The seasons generally flow into each other without much difference, but this year seems a little different.

Work has been rough lately, so I missed getting to the pool on Wednesday evening. I made a big point to prioritize the swim and made sure to go on Friday. We jumped in a bit late due to lane confusion (the SCAQ lanes at the Culver Plunge recently shifted over to accommodate a new kids club team, and everyone is thrown off, myself included) so we started the workout after a quick warm-up. 

The workout was a little all over the place, but I’ve come to expect that from Coach Clay. It does mix it up from the other coaches I’ve swam with. It did end on a lull with the entire group doing a series of all-out 100s every three minutes; there was plenty of rest. The good thing about this set, though, was I was hitting between 1:35 – 1:40 each time. 

The Workout:

  • 200 warm-up
  • 8 100s with a 25 kick at either the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th lap
  • 3 rounds, 4x100 with easy 50 after each one
  • 5x100, each one all out