Monday Night SCAQ Swim

June 26, 2017

Tonight’s swim featured Coach Clay Evans once again. Today was super hot, the beginning of a heat wave, so I was looking forward to jumping in. The water was great, but the usual Monday night swim crowd wasn’t there. I ended up in a new lane with people I had never swam with before. Coach asked the guy in the lane to lead, but after the first few hundreds the rest of us realized that that he couldn’t correctly count and time the intervals. We let him stay in the front, but he couldn’t leave until everyone was back and it was either at the top or on the :30. Ha!

One of the people in the lane was new, and had so many questions. It was great to share my newbie SCAQ experience with her, and show her that it would all be ok. She did a little more than half the workout so that was great. The only other thing about this workout was that Coach Clay didn’t seem to have any particular plan, hence the wide variety of sets below. In any case, it was a solid swim that left me feeling refreshed and well worked out after a hot and long day at work.

The Workout:

  • 300 warmup
  • 100, 50 kick
  • 2x100, 50 kick
  • 3x100, 50 kick
  • 4x100, 50 kick
  • 2x25
  • 3x100; all out, easy, all out
  • 2x25
  • 5x50
  • 25 free
  • 50 cool down