Sunday Morning Swim

July 2, 2017

I had planned to swim Saturday afternoon at the John Argue Swim Stadium next to the Coliseum. I had a nice morning in the garden then let myself veg on the couch and read…and then at some point I fell asleep. When Nathan got home from his bike ride, I woke up and realized it was 2:00 pm. I thought I should check that the pool was open, and I’m glad I did: they were closed! Apparently, the rec pool was closed for repairs, and they didn’t want to have just the lap pool open by itself (which is weird, because the lap pool has been closed when they’ve let the rec pool be open, hmmm). They also said their hours were switching the next day and the lap pool would now be open on Sundays instead of just Saturdays, but just for the summer. So…that’s good, but the closure meant I was heading out for a hot run. Bleh.

The next morning I headed to the Culver Plunge for some long lane action. It has been more than minute or two since I have done laps in the long lanes, so this was a nice change of pace, literally. It was a busy morning and there were some fast swimmers in the lane, so I chose to just stick to swimming until the very end. It’s amazing how much the flip turn at the end of a 25 yard/meter length can give such a break. The moment of pause will be much appreciated in the future.

The Workout:

  • 100 free
  • 200 free
  • 500, 400, 300, 200, 100 free
  • 2 rounds 100 pull, 100 free