Saturday Afternoon Swim

May 13, 2017

This swim was my first Saturday swim in three weekends, so I was VERY ready for it, and very happy to jump in. It was a gorgeous day for a swim too – not freakishly hot, but not cold at all. I showed up and there was a huge group of teens and lifeguards participating in the junior lifeguard academy. It was the tail end of the session, but it was super cool to see such a huge group of teens participating.

In any case, my swim was straightforward and I even worked in different stroke work, which made me feel very accomplished. Ever since the SCAQ workout where I was asked to demonstrate fly, back, and breaststroke, and was give some constructive feedback on my form, I’m increasingly motivated to work on all four strokes instead of sticking to just freestyle. I have to admit that doing so will give me a more rounded workout and my body will benefit from the mix of movements, as well. All in all, a very satisfying swim, and it left me feeling prepared for Monday’s SCAQ swim.

The Workout:

  • 3 rounds: 200 swim, 200 pull, 100 IM kick
  • 10x50 mixed swim, swim drill, kick, and stroke
  • 100 free cool down.