Monday Evening SCAQ Swim

May 15, 2017

Tonight’s swim was pretty awesome because I felt fully prepared for it. With the last three weeks spent out of town and travelling around, my swim workouts have been erratic. Being home over the weekend for the allowed me to re-visit my normal workout regime. So in advance of Monday’s swim, I had a successful Saturday afternoon swim and an awesome Sunday morning run already under my belt. Friday’s spin class helped a bit, too.

The image above was taken at the Plunge, but not during this evening. To document tonight's swim, I used Intagram's Boomerang app:


One of the best thing about this swim was that I was well paired with my lane mates. We had perfect timing with each other on our intervals, we paced the same, and no one was an asshole. Another great thing was that I was appropriately ahead of my intervals…probably around 1:40 – 1:45 on each 100. YAYYY! One bad thing, though…I have a super awful flare-up of my right trapezius muscle. Perhaps it is time to re-visit an acupuncturist.  

The Workout:

  • 350 warm up
  • 6x50, first 2 50s kick/kick drill, next 2 swim/swim drill, last 2 swim/sprint
  • 300 breath control
  • 2x100, 2x200, 300, 2x200, 2x100 free