Saturday Morning SCAQ Swim

March 18, 2017

The Culver Plunge is closed for the next several weeks for their annual maintenance, so I have the next few weekends to try the weekend workouts with SCAQ. I have a feeling this will reduce the number of times I swim each week to just one. For the last few months, I’ve been swimming twice per week – once on the weekend and then every Monday night. I’ve noticed I benefit from a day in between each swim (much like I do with running every other day, my body is just…happier). Swimming twice in a row makes my body feel very creaky.*

The workout was coached by head Coach Clay, and he remembered me this time. Started in right away about how nice my freestyle stroke looked and it all made me feel pretty awesome! Three fourths through the workout, he dropped the bomb: “I’m curious to see what your other strokes look like. If your freestyle is that good, you should have good form on the other strokes, too!”

I have to admit this threw me into a bit of a momentary tailspin and I immediately started talking about how they would be terrible and out of practice. He interrupted me by shouting “Aww…don’t be so negative, just do it! Give yourself a chance!” I was appropriately chastised, and I said, ok. So he goes, “Butterfly, now!” and with a small surge of adrenaline, off I went. I did a half length, turn back to look at him, and he’s giving me a thumbs up. I fishing the rest and then back with free, and he says “Now, backstroke.” I do that and he tells me that I need to keep my arms straight when they are above me and heading back.

Then he said “Now do breaststroke, half a length.” I do my thing, turn around, and he’s shaking his head. I just start laughing, because I knew he would say my feet didn’t point in the same direction. Sure enough, that is what he said.

I’m proud that I tried the additional strokes, and that with practice, they might improve over time. I will try starting with backstroke as that is most similar to freestyle. It will also strengthen my triceps which will be helpful for butterfly.

The Workout:

  • 300 warm up
  • 4x200 free
  • 5x100 & 5x50 free
  • 300, 200, 100, 2x50, 100, 200, 300 free
  • Mix strokes for technique
  • 200 cool down

*Perhaps I need to get over it, and if I swim more often, I will feel less creaky!