Monday Night SCAQ Swim

February 13, 2017

The cold/plague that has been running its course through Southern California found me about 3 weeks ago. I pushed through a few swims with unpleasant and rather snotty consequences, but it really got me last Friday night. Saturday morning I took myself to Urgent Care and was prescribed with four drugs, that, over the last 10 days, have fixed me. Thank goodness. Suffice to say, I didn’t get a swim in that weekend thanks to fever, sniffles, and a very annoying cough, I missed last Monday’s SCAQ swim, and I was out of town this last weekend to make up for a missed visit home. So, getting back into the pool was a little nerve wracking.

I did make the entire workout – but just barely. I think that the coach didn’t tell me about the last cool-down set out of pity. But I’m super proud I powered through the two sets of 900. My arms felt like jell-o after the swim and my legs were a bit shaky when I got out. The upside? It wasn’t completely dark when I started the swim!

The Workout:

  • 350 warm up
  • 2x50, 4 times, alternate kick with swim
  • 3x300, 3 times, 300 swim, 4x74, 3x100
  • 50 cool down