Monday Evening SCAQ Swim

October 2, 2017

The news today was just one awful thing after another. The mass shooting in Las Vegas was so heartbreaking, and that news was followed up with the lockdown at USC because of a possible shooter on campus (it turned out to be a false alarm), and then Tom Petty’s sudden death (a false alarm that turned out to be true by the end of the day). The tension was thick all over LA and I was in an awful state of mind. After work, I had myself in the left turn lane to head home, but at the last moment, something kept me driving forward. I made it to the pool and jumped in with a very delicate state of mind. After the first few strokes, I realized it felt good to move my body around in every direction and I even began to relax. I felt the tension in my neck and shoulders start to drain away and I concentrated on my rhythmic breathing and exhalations. I got out a touch early (practice start late and I didn’t want to get home at 8:00 pm) and on the drive home I reflected on the day. I realized that when nothing makes sense, staying on track with my plans – especially ones that benefit my health and well-being – makes sense for me. Self-care is never wrong, and when the world is spiraling out of control, I might as well create and maintain a safe space for myself.

The Workout:

  • 250 warm up
  • 4 rounds, 25-75-100 swim
  • 3x50 free
  • 3x100 free