Monday Night SCAQ Swim

January 16, 2017

This was the first time in a long time that I dragged my heels to the pool. When I arrived, the whole evening felt a little bit off. Nothing was wrong, but things were not right. The feeling was warranted when I was directed to a lane I don’t typically swim in (not normal). There was an older man swimming in the lane already (nor normal) and he was wearing fins and a snorkel (not normal).

Our coach for the evening was a sub (ok, fine). He was nice, but it was very cold out and he wasn’t wearing a jacket (not normal). Then, halfway through the swim, he moved the older man out of my lane (not normal) and I was suddenly swimming with a lady in a Wonder Woman bikini (not normal). She proclaimed she was “just there to swim” so now I was the only one doing the sets (not normal).

After I finished the last set, there was about 10 minutes left of practice, but the substitute coach had just…vanished. Like **POOF!!** vanished. Not. Normal.

All of that said, I (of course) was very happy with myself that I made it to the practice.

The Workout (as best as I can remember):

  • 200 warm up
  • 2 x 100 free
  • 6 x 75 free, alternate skill with swim
  • 6 x 100 swim, with 75 free in between each 100
  • 4 x 150 free, with 50 free in between each 150