Saturday Morning Swim

December 3, 2016

It was so nice this morning to swim in the daylight! The past few weeks I have only gone swimming for the SCAQ workouts, so my swims have been in the dark and lit by pool lights. The lane I swam in was shaded for the most part by trees; the sun is so low in the mid-morning sky that shadows are much longer than they are in the summer. It was pleasant to swim the dappled sunlight.

That pleasantness must have transformed itself into energy because there is no other way to explain how fantastic I felt throughout the workout! I even had to slow myself down a bit during the first set because I was afraid of burning out too early. It was nice to find out it wasn’t an issue. Yay, me! I also realized that I am now able to get through 2,000 meters in about 40-45 minutes now, instead of a solid hour. I suppose that the last few years of swimming have finally paid off!  

The Workout:

  • 500 swim, 500 pull
  • 300 swim, 300 pull
  • 3 x 100 swim, 100 pull

I am grateful I had such a good swim because the night was filled with wine, more wine, and bites of cheese and meats, and sweet bites. And then more wine. Should I make a t-shirt that says I swim for wine?