Monday Night SCAQ Swim

November 28, 2016

Tonight’s swim was a solid workout and much needed after the previous week of vacation and holiday eating and general laziness. Don’t get me wrong: all those things, especially the eating, were amazing! But my body needed some serious moving around and this workout definitely provided that.

I swam with some good lane partners, too. I was challenged knowing I had people quickly coming up behind me. I let the challenge get the best of me, though, and made one of the guys behind me go in front. I think he was probably in the same mindset as me, though, because he soon placed himself behind me again.

The Workout:

  • 400 free warm-up
  • 9x50 kick drill
  • 3 rounds:
  • 3x100
  • 1x200
  • 1x50 kick round 1, 2x50 kick round 2, 3x50 kick round 3

One of the kick drills we practiced was to kick on our back while holding the board up out of the water above our chests. Coach promised it would be a good core workout and it really was. I had a lot of trouble keeping my hips and feet up and in line with the water. The drill proved what I already know – my core really needs to be strengthened.