Saturday Afternoon Swim

December 17, 2016


Los Angeles is experiencing a tiny cold front! The air is dipping down to 46 or so degrees each night, and daytime isn’t warmer than 65. When I jumped into the pool today I transported myself from a shady 61 degrees to the 80 or so degrees of the pool. It felt so delicious. The experience of swinging my arms out into the cold air during each stroke was fun and a little bit odd. If I waited any longer than a minute or two after each swim segment, I had goosebumps. Getting out of the pool was a different story – the air stung. This just proves I am a west coast weather wussy!

The temperatures made my swim feel long and, I have to admit, a little languid. I took my time during each swim and thought a lot about my technique. Every so often I realized that I was overcompensating for something…if I focused too much on my arm stroke, my kick reduced.

It was also nice to visit the John Argue Swim Stadium. It’s been a few months since I was last there. I had tried go twice before today, but in both instances, there was a big event and Exposition Park that wasn’t listed on the Aquatics website – a music festival and a soccer tournament. For some reason, both of these things made them shut the pool down.

The Workout:
500 free
400 free
300 free
200 free
100 free
10x50, mix of pull, breast, back, and free