Monday Night SCAQ Swim

December 12, 2016

Well, this swim was much, much, MUCH better than last Monday’s swim. What a relief. And I even felt fine after my Sunday morning swim. I didn’t notice the double swim workout at all. I’m so happy about that!!

Not too much to report on other than I picked up a few extra stroke drills when we did the 8x75 warm-up set. In addition to the catch-up and swim-with-your-fists that we’ve done before, I learned high elbows and run-your-thumbs-up-your-sides. I’m sure there are more technical terms for these skills, but I will think of them that way for now.

In any case, the two new skills were pretty fun. The run-your-thumbs-up-your-side drill was challenging and I found it difficult to differentiate that one with high elbows and I often mixed it up with catch-up. I hear it’s easy to find these drills in action on the YouTube.

The Workout:

400 free warm-up
8x75: 1st 25: skill, 2nd 25: sprint, 3rd 25: recover
3x500: mix it up by 250, 150, 100 free
50 cool-down