Jumping Back In

The cried in the car after my first post quarantine swim. Jumping back in created a wave of emotion I was quite prepared for but the release felt so good. The water felt so good. Swim cap and goggles felt good. Being in a swim suit felt good. Looking at the sky from the water felt good. It all felt so good, and it had been such a long time since I experienced that feeling of complete joy and freedom you get when swimming.

Next week I have three swims planned. My body remembered the motions and settled back into the stroke quite nicely. I’m so grateful to be back in the water. Here’s to many more swims!

Here was my Saturday 10 am workout:

  • 400 warm up

  • 3x150 free

  • 3x100 IM

  • 3x75 kick

  • 3x150 free

  • Then 1 of each:
    1 all out 150
    4x50 free w/ 25 easy