Hot Girl Swim

Hot Girl Summer is in full effect at USC’s Uytengsu Aquatic Center! My masters team had about three weeks of mostly cool swimming the Olympic pool at the facility, but school is back in session soon, and water polo is back in practice mode. As a result, we are in the dive pool which is kept quite warm (I’m sure I”ve posted this before). My one (made up?) consolation is that maybe I’m burning just a few more calories when I swim in a hot pool? Maybe?

  • 350 warm-up

  • 8 x 50 free swim

  • 4 x 100 free, 50 easy

  • 4 x 75 free, 50 easy

  • 4 x 50 free, 50 easy

  • 4 x 25 free, 50 easy

  • 4 rounds, 75 free, 25 stroke

  • 4 rounds 50 free, 50 easy

  • 50 cool down
