Feeling Fast in the Slow Lane

I’ve been feeling sluggish in the pool the last few weeks, so I placed myself in the slow lane tonight. I started the warm-up feeling slow and sloppy, but as the workout progressed, I began to feel awesome. I was slicing through the water, my flip turns felt like perfect 10s, and I hit every interval with more time than necessary to spare. I wonder if swimming in the slow lane gave me the confidence for a strong swim? Did I inadvertently apply a reverse psychology technique on myself? I’m fine with whatever happened, because I felt amazing during the workout.

  • 250 warm-up

  • 300 free

  • 200 free

  • 150 free

  • 100 free

  • 3 rounds, 100, 150, 50 free

  • 2 rounds, 75, 25 free

  • 100 cool down
