The Coolest Suprise!

I arrived at practice this evening and received the coolest surprise: long lanes and COOL WATER!!!!!! I cannot even being to express how happy this made me. The dive pool here at USC is kept a toasty warm temperature, I assume for the divers going in and out of the pool. I’ve always looked longingly over the Olympic length pool, but it has always been full of water polo players practicing away. I assumed it was nice and cool….and I’d be so jealous.

But, today, we had the glorious opportunity to swim in the pool and the water was so nice and cool. They even had the aerator hose going which helps keep big pools cool. The last time I saw one was at the Rose Bowl, and they had two going! Their Olympic length pool is deeper, though, so that probably makes send.

I truly hope we are able to keep swimming in this pool, at least until school starts up in the Fall!
